photo of JP

Who I am

Hey Everyone! I'm just a guy; traversing through life with a never say quit attitude accompanied by an overwhelming desire to succeed and spread happiness to everyone in need. I'm in the Full stack web program with Lambda School and eagerly attacking my goals of becoming your next star co-worker; and more importantly your favorite human being on the planet! I look forward to accomplishing our goals together and being a valued team member with the crew!

whiteboard problemsolving

Stuff I do

Mostly ponder why and how something worked. I'm an expert googler and devour knowledge. Anything I can't do just excites me more and pushes me harder to become the best that I can possible be. I'm a perfectionist in daily life and happy to report that particular asset is a transferable skill that has came with me to the wonderful world of software development. I'm not at all uncomfortable not knowing something. It's my desire to figure it out and produce results in a timely manner that set me apart from the crowd. At the end of the day we will have happy clients and a mountain of new knowledge to utilize going forward into the next sprint!

  • Mildly Photogenic

  • Able to Read & Write

  • Able to exit VIM

  • Capable of downing
    some coffee


Past life experiences

I'm 30 years young and have made it to the top of every industry I have had the pleasure to work in. I've driven tractor trailers, excelled at marketing and communication, and most recently ran a startup company as the Lead Locksmith / Business Manager! My skills are constantly growing and while the top of those industries where great. My heart has always been in technology and security. I'm very security focused and find software development to be the most fascinating and compelling goal I've set for myself! As a pro tinkerer I'm astonishingly happy navigating the terminal and creating new things for all of us!

photo aggrivated developer

Github Love

I love checking out everyones github to see what we are working on! Mine will continue to grow and be a proud home to my current and future work! Please feel free to check it out and message me with some feedback or express your own pride on a scale of your choosing. I'm very pleased with my growth and continue improving everyday!

git-hub bangarangler